Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thai Style Minced Pork (with Basil)

Thai Style Minced Pork 泰式炒肉碎




泰式炒肉碎 (2人份)


  1. 豬絞肉 200g
  2. 糖  2 tsp
  3. 豉油 2 tbp
  4. 芫茜 少量
  5. 蒜蓉 1 tsp
  6. 九層塔 2 tbp
  7. 辣椒    1條
  8. 蠔油    1 tbp
  9. 麻油  少許
  10. 魚露  少許


  1. 先醃肉。豬絞肉加入糖、豉油、芫茜、蒜蓉和九層塔,拌勻醃2小時。
  2. 加入油,將醃好的豬絞肉炒至變色(這時豬肉應該會出水)
  3. 加入辣椒 及蠔油,炒至水份收乾,然後加入少許麻油。
  4. 熄火,加入少許魚露拌勻後上碟。
Thai Style Minced Pork with Basil

  1. 200g minced pork
  2. 2 Tsp Sugar
  3. 2 Tbp Soy sauce 
  4. 1 Tbp Oyster Sauce 
  5. 1 TspGarlic 
  6. 2 TbpBasil Leaves 
  7. 1 pcsChili 
  8. Coriander (depends how much you like to put in)
  9. Sesame oil 
  10. Fish Sauce
  1. Marinate the meat - add in sugar, soy sauce, garlic, coriander and basil leaves to minced pork. Mixed well and marinate for 2 hrs.
  2. Add oil, heat the pan and add in the marinated pork. Stir fry it until the pork start to turn brownish.
  3. Then add in Chili and oyster sauce, keep on stir frying. Once the water is gone, dd in the sesame oil.
  4.  Turn off the fire and add in the fish sauce and now this is DONE!

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