Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lean Pork and Rib with Green Radish & Carrot Soup 青紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯


星期六要返工,唉!真係好討厭要返工的星期六,所以老公話可以幫我煲湯。返到公司第時時Send Email 俾KOEN 話佢知要買咩材料,跟住話佢知要點樣煲。咁放左工,我學完黏土花再行埋街,返到屋企就有得飲喇~

登登~呢個就係佢煲既青紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯,味道唔錯!如果多D肉我諗會好味的D~我問佢難唔難整,佢話唔呀,個真空煲真係幾好用~哈哈! 唔好講笑,其實我都覺得真空煲真係好好用,又唔駛睇火,正!多謝媽咪~

  • 1.5 lb carrots, cubed
  • 3/4 lb green radish, cubed
  • 1/2 lb pork, cubed
  • Dried tangerine peels – 3 peels
  • 2 candied dates
  • 7 cups water
  1. Peel and cut green radish and carrots into cubes
  2. Clean pork, cut into cube.  Blanch pork in large pot of boiling water for 10 seconds.  Drain and set aside.
  3. Soak and clean orange peel.
  4. Rinse candied dates.
  5. In a pot of boiling water, place all ingredients in there.  Bring it to boil and then put it into Themos!~

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